Thursday 31 May 2012

Kota Kinabalu's Unduk Ngadau 2012 (Part 2)

Unduk Ngadau owes its origin from the part of the KadazanDusun genesis story which pertains to the sacrifice of Huminodun, Kinoingan's only daughter. The Unduk Ngadau which derives its name from Tunduk do Tadau which means "Zenith of the Sun" crowned in the 'afternoon' completed the meaning of the Kaamatan (Harvest) Festival as the Unduk Ngadau is indeed the Tunduk which can grow and be the new shoot.

To this day, the KadazanDusun people have included the Unduk Ngadau Pageant as a grand part of their Kaamatan Festivals. It is a manifestation to the deep sense of respect and admiration that the KadazanDusun people have for the legendary Huminodun.

Here is the Part 2...the next 7 KK Unduk Ngadau Finalists.

Contestant No. 15 - Colleen Ineme Bernard
Contestant No. 14 - Jun Mitchelle Maisi
Contestant No. 13 - Fenney Doimis
Contestant No. 12 - Rounnah Beb Robert Sylvester

Contestant No. 11 - Vanessa Samantha Manih

Contestant No. 10 - Fiona Anthony Lijua

Contestant No. 9 - Frederica Fabian Peter

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